Monkey God's Birthday
22 September 2002

Monkey God Temple
(At the junction of Seng Poh Road and
Eng Hoon Street. Diagonally opposite
Sin Lee Chinese Cuisine)

The Altar


Monkey God

Lion Head

Lion Dance

Dragon Slow Dancing

Dragon Drinking

Opera Troupe's Practice Session

Temple Medium Preparing
for his Trance

Getting Dressed Up

Striking the Legendary
Pose of the Monkey God

Shaking in his Entranced State

In a Trance

Shaking Violently


Lifting a car out of the way.
It was in the path of
the celebrations.

Start of the Procession

Sedan Chair
for the Gods

Sedan Chair

Another Sedan Chair

Rocking the Chair

Spinning the Chairs

Swaying and Jerking

Walking this Way
for the duration of
the Procession

Loud Gongs
and Traditional Chinese
Musical Instruments

Trick or Treat?


Cracking the Whip
on the Arrival of the Gods

Doing the Split
after Cracking the Whip


Kneeling before
the Large Pile of Offerings

Nice Cap

Reading Out the Scriptures

And Singing

Devotees on their Knees

Performing Rites

Musicians with Furry
Cowboy Hats
(Commonly seen at Funerals
and Festivals of
this nature)

Large Pile of Offerings

Dragon Dance

Starting the Fire

Offerings Melting Away

Bowing to the Flames

Walk with the Medium

Let it Burn


Charging Round and Round
with the Sedan chair

Devotees Filing Past
the Ashes
Saying their Prayers

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